Results for Cup 1 (2016 Champion Willoughby), Cup 2 (2016 Champion Legacy), Cup 3 (2016 Champion Indian Hills), & Cup 4 (2016 Champion Evergreen 2)
Willoughby is the 2016 Cup 1 Champion!
The Legacy is the 2016 Cup 2Champion!
Indian Hills is the 2016 Cup 3Champion!
Evergreen 2 is the 2016 Cup 4 Championship!
The challenges were played at Yacht & CC on Monday, April 25th at 1 pm.
Cup 1 Lost Lake 1 won the challenge by Cup 2 The Legacy. The teams will stay in their respective cup.
Cup 2 PGA 2 won the challenge by Cup 3 Indian Hills. The teams will stay in their respective cup.
Cup 4 Evergreen 2 lost the challenge by Cup 4 Monarch 2. Monarch 2 will move up to Cup 3. Evergeen 2 will remain in Cup 4.