The Treasure Coast Challenge Cup

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TCCC Challenge Matches Worksheet for Host Club


The Challenge Matches will be under the direction of the facilities chair (or Board Representative) and assisted by representatives of host club.

All matches will be played on a neutral course.

Challenge Matches must be conclusive. In the case of a tie after 18 holes by the challenge teams, we will proceed using the playoff procedure under TIES. If after the 4 playoff holes, or if unplayable to continue because of darkness as determined by the rules official without one club having won the challenge, the winner will be the club that is defending their right to remain in their present cup.

It is preferred to have an afternoon start.

Format: Match play using the same procedures as the Challenge Cup Matches

3 Matches = 6 Teams = 48 players

Club will provide: Registration table, carts, foodand cash bar after golf, rangers, and information pertinent to Pace of Play as outlined in the handbook.

Cost: Same as for Matches. Checks made out to host club.

Participating Clubs will provide as soon as possible a team line-up to host club.

Scoreboard: Please record total Team Score

Match 1                         Match 2                         Match 3


Cup 1 ___________             Cup 2 ___________   Cup 3 ___________


Cup 2___________             Cup 3 ___________  Cup 4___________



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