The Treasure Coast Challenge Cup

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Treasure Coast Challenge Cup Rules Incident & Complaint Form

Date: ___________________ Golf Course: ________________________________________  Hole#" __________  Cup" __________

Rules Official:  _________________________________  Team(s) Involed: _______________________________________________

Player(s) Involved: ____________________________________________________________________________________________

     1. Is this a request for a ruling?    Yes ________   No _________

         Note: If this is a request for a rules decision (i.e. the number of penalty strokes, procedural questions, please skip to Facts

         Was the request timely and the player(s) notified?     Yes  ______  No ______

         (If NO, then the ruling will not be considered  --- see below **)

     2.  Whose golf ball(s) or equipment was/were involver:  __________________________________________________________

     3, What is the alleged breach --- for example: ball moved, improper dropping procedure, played out of order without asking, played wrong ball, concession, question about ground under repair, relief from penalty area, lost ball, etc.. Describe as completely as possible:




     4.  Do the partner and/or opponents have additional facts?  If so, please list below:




Following * discussion with the Rules Chair:  Rule #:  _____  Interpretation/Comments:  ______________________________________



  • *If there is a rules request. the request must be TIMELY.
  • ** Player must request a ruling before either player begins the next hole or, if the final hole of the match, before the results are announced (20.1b).
  • Requests for a ruling on an earlier hole are honored only for violations of Rules 3.2d (1) --- Incorrect information on # strokes taken and 3.2d (2) --- Failure to report a penalty + the player was unaware of the penalty before finishing the current hole, or, if between holes, after the hole just completed + player makes a TIMELY request for a ruling.
  • Player(s) should verify any rule before the results of the match are announced. Note: A "second ball: cannot be played under Rule 20.1c (3) if there is a rules question. If the "second ball" option was used, the player who played two balls was disqualified from the hole in question. If her ball was the score to count to win/tie the hole, then the team lost the hole.

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