TCCC Captains' Duties
After the first TCCC meeting (early Feb):
Send email to all lady members with summary of tournament and invite them to join.
Include dates of tournaments, locations, cost, and team uniform requirements.
Prepare a spreadsheet for signups – post on email and in ladies locker room. Include above information.
Call any low handicappers who may not have signed up to get them to enroll.
Include awards day signup.
After March 1st.
Get handicap list from lowest to highest from pro shop
If there are two or more players with the exact same index on your club's official Handicap Index sheet, you must list them in the same order as on the index sheet.
Prepare roster with 8 players and at least 4 subs per match.
Send in awards day check and player list.
Calculate the individual sharing for the $70 you paid for the entry fee . I allocate per match for roster – subs do not pay (e,g, $8.75pp if they play all 5 matches).
Discuss player costs with pro shop and dining, I got the golf fees first, then allocated $2pp for tips, allowing remaining monies for food.
Plan menu with dining in April.
Confirm events issues with pro shop prior to matches - cart help, rangers (need 1 to 2 women from club to assist), coffee, shotgun holes, etc.
Have a team meeting for a Rules Seminar by the Ladies Assoc. Rules rep or the pro. Remind players to have their Rule book with them
Prior to match:
Confirm that players are still able to play. Send reminder email with team names (and alternates) before each match
Send match roster with opponents to team, include indices so they know who they are playing.
Get rangers enlisted.
Send any last minute changes to opponents, club .
Send player list to guard gate, if needed.
Send player list to pro shop for scorecards.
Match day:
Coordinate with pro shop on scorecards., cart guys, coffee, rangers, etc. If you are host club.
Collect fees from players. Give check to club for total amount.
Collect scorecards and submit scores to Results for posting.
Pay Pro shop , dining and cart staff - if hosting.
Have 2 girls for the Registration table--2 rangers and 2 scorers.--preferably not playing
Have a sheet with the team colors on it so players can be identified easily by the rangers
After matches:
Send team the results. Include cumulative scores.
Renegotiate next year’s dates when needed.
Click PDF below for printable version.
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