2025 Teams: Legacy 2, Mariner Sands 2, Monarch 3, Pipers Landing 1, PGA 4, Yacht & CC 2
CUP 3 Captains’ Roster and Directions
Cup 3 Matches
9000 Clubhouse Drive, Port St. Lucie, FL 34986
- Golf Professional: Zachary Mine 772-466-7888 ext. 106 email: zmine@legacy.golfandtennis.com
- Co-Captain: Marcia Clayton Maloney 401-451-3803 email: marcia885@aol.com
- Co-Captain: Laurie Taylor 412-417-3355 email: kathydee28@aol.com
Directions: I-95 to Exit #121, Port St. Lucie. Turn West on St. Lucie West Blvd. Continue straight through the traffic circle & stop sign to PGA Village Guard House & Visitor Gate. At 2nd stop sign turn right for club house. From US 1, turn West onto Prima Vista Blvd. in Port St. Lucie. This becomes St. Lucie West Blvd. Go over turnpike and I-95. Continue straight through the traffic circle & stop sign to the PGA Village Guard House & Visitor Gate. At 2nd stop sign turn right for club house.
Do not use GPS West of I-95.
6400 Mariner Sands Drive, Stuart 34997 Blue Course - Green Tees 70.5/119 No spikes in the dining room
- email:
- Co-Captain: Jane Witherwax 772-485-5645 email: Jawax22@gmail.com
- Co-Captain: email:
Directions: Take I-95 to Exit 101 (Rte 76)East. Turn right onto Cove Road to US 1. Turn right on US 1 and go approx. 1.7 miles (south) to light. Turn left onto Mariner Sands Dr. for club.
1801 S W Monarch Club Drive, Palm City, FL 34990 Green Tees: 69.2/124
- Golf Pro: Frank Dobbs Pro Shop 772-286-3715 email: Frank.dobbs@invitedclubs.com
- Co-Captain: Jeanie Lesser 631-379-3064 email: Jeanlesser@mac.com
- Co-Captain: Lisa Arvidson 973-727-0924 email: Larvidson1@gmail.com
Directions: From South: take I-95 to Exit 102 (Palm City). Go to 3rd stop light, go right on Martin Downs Blvd. to 2nd stop light. Go left to guard house. From North: Take Florida Turnpike to Exit 133 (Stuart). Go through toll booth to 4th stop light. Turn left to guard house.
1916 Perfect Drive, Port St. Lucie, FL 34986
- Director of Golf: Holly Taylor, Pro Shop 772-467-5494 email: htaylor@pgahq.com
- Team Coordinator: Emily Ryan 610-213-9210 email: TCCC4PGA@gmail.com
- Co-Captain: Kathy Handfield 508-873-9292 email:KMHandfield@charter.net
- Co-Captain: Helene Schlegel 732-614-7013 email: Heleneschlegel@gmail.com
When notifying the PGA Co-Captains, please include the PGA Team Coordinator in your message.
Directions: I-95 Exit 121 (Port St. Lucie), go west (left from North I 95 and right from South I 95) on St. Lucie West Blvd. At circle take 2nd exit, stay in left lane. At stop turn left on Perfect Drive, club is straight ahead.
From US 1 in Port St. Lucie turn west onto Prima Vista which will become St. Lucie West Blvd. Continue west over I-95 to clock tower and at circle take 2nd exit, stay in left lane. At stop turn left on Perfect Drive, club is straight ahead.
6160 SW Thistle Ter, Palm City, FL 34990
- Golf Pro: Mike Eye 772- 283-7000 email: golfpro@piperslanding.com
- Co-Captain: Paula Chamberlin 772-285-1913 email: paula.chamberlin@yahoo.com
- Co-Captain: Lisa Standing 757-621-6299 email: lgstanding@yahoo.com
3883 SE Fairway E, Stuart 34997 #2 Blue Tees 69.4/118 (5190 yds.)
- Director of Golf: Dean Lawson 772-283-1966 email: golfpro@yccstuart.org
- Co-Captain: Sharon McKennon 202-744-8822 email: JANDSMCKENNON@VERIZON.NET
- Co-Captain: Debbie George 586-764-7026 email: debtgeorge@me.com
Directions: From I-95 N or S; take Stuart exit 101 and head east on SR 76 to Salerno Rd(3rd light). Turn right on Salerno crossing US 1 to A1A (Dixie Hwy). Turn Left. Club 9/10th mile on right. From North, US 1 south to Indian St., take left & cross railroad tracks. At next light (A1A/Dixie Hwy) turn right. Club 9/10th mile on left.