2025 Teams: Fairwinds, Piper's Landing 2, Willoughby 2
Cup 4 Captains’ Roster and Directions
- Golf Professional: Annery Abreu 772-462-4653 email: abreua@stlucieco.com
- Co-Captain: Lisa Champagne 772-643-6773 email: Lisachampagne714@gmail.com
- Co-Captain: Pat Mayne 518-669-1874 email: Maynecentral24@gmail.com
Directions: From I- 95: Take Exit 138 Indrio Rd (Rte 614). Head east on Indrio Rd. Turn right on US 1 south. Entrance to Fairwinds Drive on right.
6160 SW Thistle Ter, Palm City, FL 34990
- Golf Pro Mike Eye 772- 283-7000 email: golfpro@piperslanding.com
- Co-Captain: Paula Chamberlin 772-285-1913 email: paula.chamberlin@yahoo.com
- Co-Captain: Gayle Eversole gayleeversole@gmail.com
Directions: From I95: Take Exit 110 and head east on FL-714/ SW Martin Hwy Turn right onto SW Mapp Rd. Turn left onto SW Muirfield Place to Guard Gate. After the Guard Gate urn left onto SW Thiistle Terrace. Clubhouse will be on the right. Bag drop is past the clubhouse on the right.
3001 SE Doubleton Dr., Stuart, FL 34997 No Hats /visors in dining room
- Golf Professional: Skip Deaner 772-220-1192 email: sdeaner@willoughbygolfclub.com
- Co-Captain: Barbara MacGregor 847-909-6885 email: bbennis@hotmail.com
- Co-Captain: Heidi Alderman 973-609-0410 email: Heidialderman@gmail.com
Directions: From I-95: take Exit 101 (S.R. 76). Go east on SR 76 to the 2nd stop light. Go right on Cove Rd. At the next stop light go left on Willoughby Blvd. across Salerno Rd. & Pomeroy to Willoughby Golf Club entrance on right. From US1: take Indian St. West to Willoughby Blvd. Turn left onto Willoughby Blvd. to entrance on left.