The Treasure Coast Challenge Cup

Slow Play and Pace of Play

 Note: Your position on the course is behind the group in front of you and not in front of the group behind you.

 In order to successfully continue our relationship with member clubs and play in a timely manner, every player must adhere to the following Challenge Cup guidelines for pace of play.

  • All clubs shall provide pertinent information which will facilitate pace of play including accurate yardages on Par 3s, yardages to penalty areas (hazards) and maps/directions around the golf course.
  • Players should note their starting and finishing times on their scorecards to be turned in to the Team Captains for place of play monitoring. Please write on the scorecard the time of the 1st tee shot and time of last ball holed.
  • All matches must be completed in 4 hours and 30 minutes or time allowed by the hosting course. Note: points will be halved for holes not completed in the allotted time.
  • All scorecards must be turned into the scorer within 15 minutes after the allotted time. Note: one point from each team in the match will be deducted for each 5-minuted period over the allotted time.
  • Each group must keep pace with the group ahead, and any group falling out of position must regain their position within one hole.

Requirements for Out-of-Position Pace of Play

 If your match falls behind for more than one hole, you must follow these extra guidelines to regain your proper place on the golf course.

  • Any match will be out of position if it reaches:
1. the tee of a par 4 and the green is clear
2. the tee of a par 5 hole and the preceding match is on the green.
  • Play ready golf by abandoning the honor system and play your shot as soon as possible.
  • When your partner is playing her shot, walk to your ball and take all possible clubs to play your next shot.
  • Do not consult with your partner on any shot until you are on pace.
  • Do not practice a putt.
  • Failure to adhere to out of position guidelines may result in automatic loss of hole.
  • If players fail to regain their position in the allotted time, a complaint may be filed and a slow play penalty may be assessed.

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