The Treasure Coast Challenge Cup

TCCC Procedure: Request for Ruling by Player

REQUEST FOR RULING (Rule 20.1b): If you are unsure of a rule in MATCH PLAY and
want to request a ruling, YOU MUST proceed as follows:

  • Tell the player that you do not think the Rules allow her to [State the infraction in
    question, such as taking two club lengths for free relief or taking practice swings in a
    bunker and hitting the sand].
  • BEFORE any player in the group tees off on the next hole or, if the group is on the last
    hole of the match, before the scorecard with the status of the match is returned to the
    Captain, ANNOUNCE to the group that you will be asking for a ruling about the incident.

If you learn about a rules violation one or more holes after it happened, and had no prior
knowledge of the infraction, report the Ruling(s) to your Captain, who will inform the
Rules Chair for the Cup at the conclusion of play – BEFORE FINAL STATUS of the
MATCH is declared.

In either case, the Captain, with the player, should fill in the “Rules Incident & Complaint
Form,” and give to the Rules Chair for the Cup, and to the TCCC Rules Chair, in turn.

NOTE: Playing a second ball when uncertain about a ruling is NOT an option in match
play. A player who plays a second ball loses (is disqualified from) the hole. Her partner
is not disqualified from the hole and may continue play.

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