- All players shall haveamateur status and unrestricted and full golfing privileges.
- All Challenge Cup matches are $75 per person (light fare and tip included) and paid to team captains prior to or on the day of a match.
- A dated and computer-generated list of the female membership of the club (listed low to high handicap order) shall be submitted at the March meeting.
- A team roster chosen from the club membership listed in low to high handicap (minimum of 12 and reasonable maximum) also shall be submitted at the March meeting. Players will compete in this order throughout the matches. The line-up of players scheduled for each match is submittedalso at the March meeting. It is the opposing Captains’ responsibility to insure the line-up procedures are met prior to play.
- Any last-minute changes to the line-up should be reported in writing to the host captain(s), host pro shop, and the opposing captain(s).
- Partners may change due to unforeseen circumstances, but players competing must be in order of low to high handicap. Players move up to fill a vacancy.
- If any player competes in a match out of handicap order, all points in that match and any subsequent matches on that day will be defaulted.
- Any competitor who is a member of two clubs must choose which team she will represent for the matches in any one season and maintain a USGA handicap at that course.
- A player may play a maximum of five regular matches and a Challenge Cup match.
- Any club with more than one team must submit one computer-generated club list with one roster and one player schedule for each cup.
- TCCC golfers are representatives of their individual courses, shall act in an appropriate manner, and are expected to treat fellow competitors and employees of the host club in a respectful and courteous manner.
- Any player exhibiting unacceptable behavior or decorum shall be reported to a Board member in writing on the Complaint Form. Following a Board review of the complaint, the alleged inappropriate conduct may result in an official warning, ineligibility for a subsequent match, or suspension.
Participants in Challenge Cup are expected at all times to conform to the dress code of the host club. Mini-length shorts or skorts are inappropriate golf attire. All participants are expected to wear a team shirt (the body of the shirt must be the same) and black bottoms.
Cell Phone Policy
The use of cell phones is prohibited unless an emergency situation arises , i.e., illness, accident, car problems. The Pro Shop should be called to report a slow-play issue, and the opposing team should be advised about the call. If a cell phone rings or is used in any other case which disturbs or interferes with play, the offending team shall receive an automatic loss of hole.
Should a competitor experience a personal emergency prior to play, she must inform her captain who shall inform the opposing captain and all members of the foursome about the situation. The competitor's phone should be placed in vibrate mode. Should the phone ring or be used during play, the penalty noted above shall be imposed if the use of the phone disturbs or interferes with play.