The Treasure Coast Challenge Cup



Mission Statement and Team Rotation below

Mission Statement: The purpose of the Treasure Coast Challenge Cup Matches is to provide competition among women amateur golfers in Martin, St. Lucie and Indian River Counties in Florida, with the team playing as a “unit” representing their club, and to further concepts of sportsmanship and camaraderie through “scratch” competition. Any team, after winning their cup, may move up by challenging the lowest team in the cup above. The losing team in the challenge match becomes the #1 team in the lower cup.

Challenge Cup Team Rotation

First Team listed on the left has the honor on the 1st tee.

1st Match: Match played at Team A’s club

     A vs. C

     F vs. B

     D vs. E

2nd Match: Match played at Team B’s club

     B vs. D

     E vs. A

     F vs. C

3rd Match: Match played at Team C’s club

     C vs. E

     A vs. B

     F vs. D

4th Match: Match played at Team D’s club

     D vs. A

     F vs. E

     B vs. C

5th Match: Match played at Team E’s club

     E vs. B

     C vs. D

     F vs. A

In a complete cup: The F team is the 1st place team in each cup. The F team will be one of the teams to host a Challenge Match. The F team does not play the home team at home.

There will be no rain dates.


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